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Self-Love is a PRACTICE!

Only four short months ago I started a new business venture sharing my passion and love of crystals. If you have read my previous blog entries you can see how this one little spark, has grown into a beautiful flame.

Following my dreams has been utter bliss!

This business has truly lifted my spirits. It has given me new friends, a reminder to live life more fully and has kept me from experiencing seasonal blues!

I love where I live because it is absolutely beautiful and my family is here. However, the weather here really drains my spirit. I struggle with depression in the winter months and have a hard time keeping my vibe high when I am under a grey cloud everyday.

This winter I have stayed busy with my side venture, I have met new ladies in my community, and I found a circle of ladies online that I really connect with.

What is different?

I feel fulfilled!


Honestly, this business I created is happiness in itself.

I am surrounded by crystals, I dream about crystals, I am constantly empowered by crystals. I am living out my lifelong love of crystals, nature and geology.

But this is not the only source of my happiness.

Something huge has changed within me and it started about a year ago. Actually it started in my teen years and I fell off the boat for many many years. I thought I knew it all when it came to self-care, spirituality and self-love and it turns out I knew a lot, but I stopped practicing it.

What happens when you don't practice self-love?

You lose it!!

Self-love is an ever-evolving process that does not stop. It is a ritual, a habit, a way of life and it is something you must put effort and time into.

I have re-found myself, I forgot about a side of me that is ever-so- ME!!!

What has changed?

I reached out, I forgave, I pushed past fears of rejection. I do get rejected, I do feel at times that I should go into recluse mode again and I ask myself why do I even try. Instead of letting myself feel small failures, I push them aside and give my attention to my wins!

I have found myself by linking up with other empowering women who inspire me everyday. I allowed myself to become a"girls-girl" whom looks for ways to love one another rather than ways to dislike one another. I love to empower others, I love to be empowered by YOU!

My life feels full because I have all the right things happening in all areas of my life.

In child development we focus on ensuring children's full spectrum of learning is covered with the acronym PIES: Physical, intellectual, emotional and social. This does not only apply to children but to everyone.

Are your PIES being met? Where can you use some extra balance to ensure all aspects of your growth are on target so you feel balanced?

Awareness is the beginning, but self-love takes PRACTICE!

I am so glad to have you here! Don't forget to subscribe!

Blessings and love,


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