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Fall Woo Woo Crate

Theme: Mabon, Moons and Samhain

WOo WOo Box -- Theme: Moons, Mabon & Samhian

The contents of this box are inspired by several traditions revolving around the seasons change & adjusting to the new balance of light & dark. The wheel of the year connects this time with the equinox, new light cycles, harvest moons & other season changes ahead. This season celebrates the abundance of the Summer’s hard efforts. A time to feast, to retreat & to give thanks for the fruits of another season passed.


Cast Iron Cauldron- Use this cauldron for burning your herbs & smudge blends.

Bronze Box- The symbol represents Elen, behind her an owl believed to be an important Celtic relic. The name Elen means light, she is known as the green goddess & deity with doe deer antlers. Below her is a Celtic symbol known as the Triple Goddess Moon which is associated with renewal & fresh beginning.

Crystals- Moonstone, tourmaline, orange calcite, hematite, astrophyllite. A special gem mix created just for this box.

Crystal Info

Orange Calcite- Solar Plexus chakra. Use this gorgeous stone to manifest and call in your wildest dreams. The enlightening color is a great reminder to stay engaged in your life and spark up your highest aspirations.

Unakite- (green/pink) Heart chakra. Mix of jasper and epidote in a beautiful fusion, like harmonious like nature and connected with your place on the earth. This stone is used for enlightenment, balance and overall calm.

Red Jasper- (red) Root chakra. Cleanse and ground yourself with this powerful stone. Use as a calming stone, mind stabilizer and as a reboot for feeling uninspired or off track. Magnetic Hematite- (black) Root chakra. This stone is used for protection, grounding and empowering feelings. It hones in thoughts and keeps the owner feeling solid in thought and worry free.

Moonstone- (Cream) Crown chakra. This stone is known to help bring out one’s intuition and inner knowings. It is very calming and keeps one in tune similar to the rhythms of the moon.


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