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March Crystal Crate Subscription


(pictured above is Deluxe version)

This has been a fun box to make and we are so excited for you to enjoy the contents within. We have four levels of price brackets on boxes so we shall list the items from the first box and show the gradual progression of items as the boxes in large and quantity.

We hope you enjoy!

Here are the contents of your boxes!

Mini- Mini Box-

-Rainbow catcher $3

-Mini peacock ore $1

-Aura treated Hematite $1

-Homemade candle $2

-Tiny bottle of gold $.50

-Rainbow Flourite $9

Process/box/blog $5-7

(total box value = $21+)

Mini- Box-

(All above items +)

-Good Fortune Blend Roller $5

(total box value = $26)

Standard Box-

(All above items except Roller)

-Replaced with Good fortune mini spritzer (+$1)

-multi-gemstone bracelet $8

-larger Peacock ore (+$2)

-Pyrite $2

(total box value = $39)

Deluxe Box-

(All above items except roller & pyrite, stones upgraded)

- replaced with large spritzer with gems and gold (+$1)

-blue aura quartz $1

-large peacock ore $4

-Bath bomb $4

-rose quartz tower $16

-multi-gemstone bracelet $8

(total box value = $54+)

All about your Items and stones:

- A suncatcher:

Aka rainbow catcher or glass prism, great to hang in a sunny window and catch rainbows for some extra happy vibes when the sun shines!

- Rainbow flourite:

A gorgeous ALL NATURAL multicolored and very delicate stone that brings out several useful qualities due to it's "combination of colors inherent in Fluorite crystals, such as purple, blue, green, clear and yellow and, as such, it blends all of the properties of each color. Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit" (The Healing Spirit, 2018). (if yours did not make it thru shipping let us know right away!!)

- Rainbow Peacock Ore:

Although this stone is not naturally this color it is still well loved and appreciated as it is still a mineral of the earth. The "[H]ealing properties of Bornite include: Protecting from negativity and removing blocks to reaching goals. Releasing old patterns of thought and emotion, which are no longer useful. Activating one’s inner spirit for greater spiritual growth.Helping one to accept things as they are, in the moment. Balancing and harmonizing the chakras" (Your Crystal Journey, 2018).

- Hematite (aura treated to look rainbow colored):

This is also a treated stone (we promise our future boxes will be very limited in these, we just went with rainbow theme). Hematite is known for it's heavy weight and cool to the touch. When this "crystal stone touches the skin, you'll feel more centered and calm with its intense but subtle vibrations. Calling all drama queens! While all crystals have powerful grounding effects, the Hematite crystal properties are a gem when it comes to clearing and activating the root chakra, the energy center that anchors us to the earth and provides a feeling of stability" (Energy Muse, 2018).

- Homemade candle:

A variety of scents! Before use pull out larger stones and keep the tiny stones at end!!

- Tiny bottle of gold:

This little one doesn’t hold much value due to low weight but is so cute and beautiful and gold is very powerful as it is one of the most sought after minerals of earth. "Gold symbolises the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is". It is symbolic of spirituality and development in the realm of complete understanding, allowing one to both attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. Gold has been called "the master healer" (Charms of Light, 2018).

- A golden and green bath bomb:

Handmade from “A Splash Of Oils” with a secret surprise inside! Hint: lucky charms!!? If you don't have a bath no worries, use as a foot soak instead! (lime and sage, gold and green!!)

- A lovely roller bottle or spritzer:

These are made of cosmetic gold and our scent of the month lime and sage, and almond oil. Our“Good Fortune Blend” is super springy delightful!!!

(watch for it on my Etsy, this scent is a HIT!) PS want a coupon code?? Subscribe to this site and I will send you a special coupon code for our Etsy Shop!!

- Pyrite:

This stone "is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. When worn on the skin, it brings feelings of harmony, vitality, and positive energy" (Energy Muse, 2018). Not only is is beautiful but it is unique in shape and always very dense and heavy almost like real metal.

- Multi-Gemstone Bracelet:

This bracelet comes with a variety of stones including: smokey quartz, obsidian, tigers eye, amethyst, rose quartz and clear quartz.

- Blue Aura:

"It is the result of a specific treatment process, where the crystals are heated, and fine vaporized gold is bonded to the stone's surface. Although this is created by a completely unnatural process that permanently changes these crystals, it actually has a positive effect on the stone. These quartz crystals have very powerful metaphysical properties, and this is partly due to the fact that they are quartz crystals. But it also relates to the layer of fine gold that covers the stone. These crystals resonate strongly with a vibration that is powerful to aid communication and psychic gifts. These lovely stones have a very high and quite intense energy, that activates all of the chakras" (Crystals For You, 2018).

- Rose quartz tower:

"Rose quartz meaning is all about making you more approachable through brightening your aura with love and understanding. The love you seek will show up first in yourself, and then you will begin to recognize it all around you. Let go of the pain that created energy blocks for you in the first place, and allow rose quartz to remove the tension of stress from your life. Replace all of the toxic emotions taking up space in your heart with the rose quartz energy of love" (The Energy Muse, 2018).

March Affirmation:

I am surrounded by enlightened moments and good luck.

Thanks so much for subscribing!!

*If you are missing any items, anything came broken or have questions or constructive criticism please contact us directly to discuss your concerns to me, Stacy @ Email:


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