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November Crystal Crate

Crystal Crate Theme:

Chakra Box

  1. Root- Connects you to your human basic needs your primal connection.

  2. Sacral- Connection to your passions, emotions, moods & sensual self.

  3. Solar- Connection with your confidence, inner light, positivity & balance.

  4. Heart- Connection with passions, true spirit & love

  5. Throat- Connection with communication in speaking your truth & being honest & true.

  6. 3rd Eye- Connected with intuition, your spirit guides & souls wisdom.

  7. Crown- Connected with the universe, the divine, your higher self & mind.

Selenite wand- Use your wand to cleanse your crystals & aura of negativity

Standard box- Reiki Massage Wand- Multilayer stones to make a beautiful chakra rainbow. Use for massage, pressure on trigger points and for reflexology.

All above items in Deluxe box as well as-

Multi-stone bracelet- Smoky quartz, quartz, rose quartz, obsidian, tigers eye.

High Vibe Chakra Align Home or Body Spray


1. Hold your stones, and say aloud or in your head: I activate these stones.

2. Then, say your intention 11 times: My chakras are aligned.

3. Find a comfortable position laying down flat on your back.

4. Place your stones accordingly:

  • RED over your root chakra (at the base of your spine).

  • ORANGE over your sacral chakra (at your lower abdomen).

  • YELLOW over your solar plexus chakra (at your stomach).

  • GREEN over your heart chakra (at your heart).

  • BLUE over your throat chakra (at your throat).

  • PURPLE over your third eye (just above between your eyebrows).

  • CLEAR/WHITE over your crown chakra (at the top of your head).

5. Leave your stones on your body for 11 minutes Reference:

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