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Cleaning, Clearing & Using Your Crystals

Crystal care and love:

Make sure you take all these beauties out in the sun to see their true essence. It is not best to leave them in sunny windows as some crystals can fade. Accent your home and alter spaces with healing stones and good vibrations.

Cleanse your Crystals:

To cleanse you can bathe in salt water. Many crystal lover's like to recharge their crystals after a good cleansing by putting their crystals out under a full moon.

You can make full moon water to keep you recharged and to help keep your intentions in you mindset always. Not all crystals can be added to water so make sure you do your research.

Clearing your Crystals:

-Use sage bundles or spritzer to smudge them and clear energies.

-Charge up in sunlight/moonlight or on your selenite charger (Amethyst fades, so use moonlight).

-Gently wash with light detergent, or salt water and a soft toothbrush.

Using your crystals:

-Make healing gem water to drink with your crystals by leaving the clean crystals in water in moon or sunlight.

-Each stone has intended purposes. After you have learned those purposes, use your crystals to set intention, manifest and heal. Hold your crystal, close your eyes and meditate while you repeat the intended purpose you wish to receive from your crystal.

-build a relationship with your crystal and the energy it holds. the more good energy you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

-use to decorate your space, carry your crystals with you, meditate with them.

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