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What your Crystal Choices Reveals about YOU!

Choose a crystal from the photo you are drawn to, go to the list below for your reveal:

What your crystal choice reveals:

1. Rose Quartz:

What this crystal reveals- You are a lover!

This stone is associated with the heart chakra and even the just gazing at its lovely hue gives you feelings of well-being. This stone is used to remind oneself of clear communication, self-love and a great "mindfulness" reminder to be kind and gentle. (heart chakra)

2. Snow quartz:

What this crystal reveals- You are a leader and your sparkle is unique!

This stone has airbubbles with in the quartz making it appear milky or snowy. The crystals still have a sparkle but within ... just like you!

(crown chakra)

3. Amethyst:

What this crystal reveals- You are intuitive! (3rd eye chakra)

Do you have dreams you can't explain or deja vu? You are drawn to this crystal because you have a minds eye that is a little extra special. This color of purple brings feelings of well-being and calm.

4. Green Flourite:

What this crystal says about you- You are a healer!

Think of taking a deep breathe in and a deep breathe out. Are you are able to help others with feel at ease with your peace, healing, serenity and calm? It is because you have a naturally gentle heart.

(Heart/throat chakra)

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