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Crystal and Oil Combo- Sage and Smoky Quartz

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Smoky quartz and sage are both negative energy absorbers and the two together work in a protective and strengthening harmony. Hold a smoky quartz it in anxious or moody situations and use the sage to remind you to stay grounded. Smoky quartz is a dark for of quartz and grows worldwide. The color is due to aluminium and irradiation and can be translucent or transparent. This combo can be used in reiki, meditation, mindfulness practices, manifesting, intention setting and crystal healing. When meditating with this combo you want to focus your mind and intentions on your root chakra, listening to your intuition and harnessing the power and strength of the crystal and aroma. You can also place the crystal and oil in a carrier oil on your root chakra. To set intentions with the combo you can hold your crystal while inhaling sage aroma and focus your thoughts on your desires and how you will achieve them. Reference: Crystal Vaults

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