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Luna- Experiencing the power of Luna can be a life changing experience!

Once a month there is always a few days where I feel completely drained, experience more anxiety that usual, or I’m wired with energy. I’ve come to find that my cycle (when not inhibited by other factors) falls around this time as well. With a little bit of research I realized this is all due to Luna.

Now seemed like the perfect time to write a post about the moon, also known as Luna! This New Years Day we experienced the first full moon of the year, known as the “wolf moon“. It was named the wolf moon when it was believed that wolves howled at the moon (which we now know they howl at each other, similar to dolphins with their echo location.)

The full moon on January 1st is the first of TWO super moons in the month. The second, falling January 31st, is known as the “blue moon“. A super moon is simply when the moon is closest to Earth, making it appear brighter and fuller.

Full moons are a time to purge negativity.

If you’v been interested in learning more about the moon and rituals you can perform to celebrate Luna, now is the perfect time to start! Full moons are a time to purge negativity. The end of the calendar year also signifies a time of purging before we open ourselves up to all that the New Year will bring.

I rid my home of all that does not serve me.

Physically purging is a good place to start. I rid my home of all that does not serve me. This includes getting rid of clothes, home goods, and even our Keurig! Even something as simple as cleaning up my friends list on social media is a great way to purge negativity from my newsfeed.

I like to perform is a cord cutting ceremony.

On a metaphysical side, I am also purging negative emotions. One of my fav ceremonies that I like to perform is a cord cutting ceremony. I light a candle and intuitively choose crystals and essential oils. I grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down everything that I’m ready to let go of. Sometimes, for bigger issues, I write them 5 times signifying a life change.


Writing, “I now cut ties with all of these feelings and emotions, causing no harm to others. Aha, so it is!” or anything that I feel, keeps the cord cutting in the forefront of my mind. My favorite part of the ceremony is stepping outside, meditating and soaking up Luna’s energy, and lighting my note on fire. I allow the flames, and the moon’s majik, to cleanse anything written or not written that is not working for my highest good.

Luna has such a strong connection the Mother Earth.

This January especially, being the first of the month, and beginning and ending with full super moons, is amazingly powerful at cleansing. It will bring balance to the tides of your life. Luna has such a strong connection the Mother Earth. It’s truly breathtaking when we allow her to do work her majik!

My name is Ashley Rose (a.Rose). I have made it my life goal to teach women how to bring out their inner child, become in tune with the feminine goddess they are, and learn to love themselves unconditionally. I teach about holistic tools and mindset to assist on that beautiful journey. For any questions or comments email me at:

Visit for more about me, essential oils, chakra, and moon majik!

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