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Wealth, Abundance and Success Crystal Crate

Hello lovely subscribers!!

We are bringing in 2018 in style with this box and hope you love it!

In your box you were given a selenite wand and sage leaf. These are both cleansing tools for your crystals and home and will start your new year out right. It was important for me to include selenite in your new year box because it is a crystal that is used to cleanse and charge your other crystals. Selenite is known to be an energy cleanser for yourself and for your other crystals. Every crystal collector should have this beautiful stone and their collection so that they can benefit from this bad energy diffusing stone. Many like to keep selenite and their window sills or corners of their rooms to keep the space clear from negative energies and protect their home spiritually.

Also included in your box was a selection of 4 Stones for wealth, success and abundance and are used to manifest and set intentions on just these things. When you use these crystals think green and gold; money! If you got the mini kits you have a small bag set with 4 stones that include pyrite, tiger's eye, aventurine and citrine.

For our larger deluxe version received large stones that included green fluorite, pyrite tiger's-eye and sparkling citrine cluster. All of our recipients received bracelets with a variety of gemstones in the color of green and other mixed gem colors.

Our deluxe subscribers also received essential oil rollers with hand blended by me with citrus scents. I thought this was a nice combo to keep your minds content during the long winter and help you think of the sunny days ahead. Citrus also is a good reminder of your intentions for the year at achieving wealth success and achieving your dreams!


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