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Crystal Reveal #7

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal!

What your crystal choice reveals:

1. Lapis Lazuli- Throat Chakra

As you can see Lapis is a very captivating and vibrant stone. This stone is also aligned with our throat charka and is a wonderful stone for bettering ourselves and our communication. This communication can be with others, but it can also begin with you. Think of your inner voice and how you can improve one way you speak to or about yourself. Use this choice to reflect within and find a new way you can think about yourself or speak of yourself more highly this week.

2. Ammonite Fossil- 3rd Chakra

This stone is fossil that has a spiral pattern often seen in science and nature. This pattern starts inward as a tiny beginning and gradually grows larger as it grows outward. This shape is so commonly known and yet not always recognized or appreciated. You started out as a tiny shell and since have been ever expanding and growing as adults into our permanent shells. What do we hold within? What do we reflect? How do we want to expand as we grow to become the best versions of ourselves? This signature in nature encourages you to grow your web, your life and your beautiful shell with the utmost intention to your better good.

3. Sugilite- Crown Chakra

"Sugilite encourages forgiveness, of oneself and others, and instills confidence and a sense of freedom. It is an especially joyful stone for those who never quite fit in" (Crystal Vaults, 2018). If you chose this stone it may be because there is an inner draw to explore your talents or creative ventures but are a little unsure how others might see you. You are encouraged to follow your inner passions and guidance as a hobby or business venture and leave any side thoughts aside.

4. Malachite - Heart Chakra

Malachite is a catalyst stone meaning that things that something in your life may need to come to and end. This does not have to be bad thing. A cleansing cycle is in order for the next cycle to begin. Think of this crystal choice as a reflection into yourself ,as to what cleansing you may need in your life in order for you to move forward with what feels right for you and your path.

Love your reveal??

Leave a comment below on how this resonated with you!

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