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Crystal Reveal #8

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal!

What your crystal choice reveals:

1. Columnar Calcite- Root charka

As you can see the stone is quite unique, it grows in hexagon shapes that are white/grey on the outside and have black hexagons on the inside. This stone is not only magic looking, but it actually GLOWS in a blacklight! When you pick up this stone it has a very dense and grounding feel to it. You may be drawn to this stone because you yourself are multi-dimensional. This is a little summon to take a look at yourself and all of your dimensions.

Remember that you can and are multi-dimensional; you may be a parent, a student, a self- employed boss babe or a career gal. You may be several things and these multi-dimensions is what makes you, YOU!! Keep combining your superpowers, building your dimensions and growing. Don't worry about the sideline noise while you venture forward.

2. Amethyst- 3rd Eye Chakra

Amethyst is a very soothing stone and is reflected as a calming presence when it's around. I think another way to think of this stone is to picture your ideal version of yourself with wisdom and grace. You probably have someone you know that you admire who carries about this “amethyst” grace. Take note of little ways you can find your grace, to stay grounded in your words and actions and gain your intellectual powers. This is a call to carry about your journey and spread the evergrounded and graceful version of yourself because it is contagious.

3. Rose Quartz- Heart Chakra

Rose quartz is the love stone is known to be connected with your heart chakra. This stone is actually a mineral rich quartz stone, which is a high vibrational stone. This is a good stone to carry around with the intention to love oneself and others more. When you run across it throughout your day, you remember to align your intentions and to always keep love in the forfront of everything you do.

Rose quartz “sends off strong vibrations of love, happiness, warmth, and emotional health” (Crystal Meaning, 2017). It never hurts to work on one own growth, to love a little more and to be ones own cheerleader and best friend.

4. Blue Lace Agate- Throat Chakra

Words that come about when thinking and discussing blue lace agate is calm, communication, and a relaxed being. The colors are light blue, white and grey and look like ribbons running through it due to the sedimentary layers that make up agates. If you are drawn to this stone perhaps it is to create some ripples of positive communication.

If you have messages you feel you need to bring out of the shadows…. why not start now? Writing, live videos, blog or personal journal… whatever it is that you feel you need to express, now is the time!! Write on!

Love your reveal??

Leave a comment below on how this resonated with you!

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