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When the Universe Aligns

Feeling in-tune and aligned with your souls higher purpose is something I look for on the daily.

I feel my path has been aligned and guided for many years and I notice the little signs that let me know I am just where I need to be. This week angel numbers arrived at 3:33 and as always, I had to go look at the meaning quickly. "If you keep seeing 333, the angels want you to know that it’s time to focus on acknowledging your inner truths. It’s time to head out into the world with more purpose" Trusted Psychic, 2018). Sweet, I am feeling it!!

After that I ran into a fellow boss babe live talking about trolls which is something I encountered this week. Her video had 222 likes as I hopped on, I could tell instantly I was meant to listen to this message. I was, it was another little message from the heavens that reminded me to stay focused. 222 is a sign of growth and expansion and people that come along your path that have significance (even if not always initially good). This person made me realize that there will be people along your path that have something to say about what you are doing, but that does not mean you should be shaken from your work. I encountered some pretty negative remarks on my Etsy account this week and I was so glad to take in this lesson.

Haters= Success and the best revenge is just being happy at what you are doing despite what anyone else says or thinks.

I started journalling a little this week, clearing lots of clutter, and creating the space for my business to grow and flourish. I write my daily progressions and look back on my day with a feeling of fullness. Everyday, I climb, I achieve, I build and I dream. If there is a day I wonder if it is all worth the work and time.... there is a little sign that budges me, keep going girl, YOU GOT THIS!!

How do you look for your own life path and listen to your guides?

When looking for your own "indicators"I like to think of it as feeling thru the dark. Your body and mind know what feels right and what does not. If you listen and you watch and pay attention to your own thoughts you will hear them. Things I know are meant for me will present themselves. When they do, I ask myself how I feel. If the thought of that not coming into my life is almost like an urgency then you know to hold onto it. If it feels easy to let go of, let it go. I wrote this the other day and came back to it today to finish it. Today is 2/22... alas it continues!!

All my best!



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