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Crystal Reveal #10

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal:

What your crystal choice reveals:

1. Aventurine- Heart Chakra

Aventurine is known for "boosting feelings of optimism and a renewed sense of gratitude for all that you've received in your life" (Energy Muse, 2018). You can think of it as the "heart FULL" stone. This is a summon to appreciate the little things in life like your morning cup of joe to dew drops or the sound of wind in the trees. Find gratitude in the little moments and allow your heart to fill with joy when you experience these little things.

2. Blue Flourite- Throat Chakra

There are many variations in color of flourite and blue is especially unique. This color, referred to as "Blue John" is found only near Derbyshire, England and is highly sought after. Flourite has many uses in science and technology. "High quality Fluorite is also used in making top grade optical lenses for cameras, microscopes, and telescopes" (Crystal Vaults, 2018).

This stone is perfect for its relation to your throat chakra and communication as well as spiritual connectedness. It is associated with spiritual awakenings along with staying in alignment in your life path. If you are called to this stone it may be a little signature that you are perfectly aligned on your path and right here right now is exactly where you should be.

3. Obsidian- Sacral Chakra

This is a strong stone connected to your sacral chakra which connects you to your core being and is associated with your mental well-being. "It will help you make all your dreams a reality. It will remind you not to focus on your flaws and weaknesses because doing so will only prevent you from being successful (Meanings Crystals and Jewelry, 2018). Sometimes the over realistic mental chatter tries to detour us from our soul work. This is a reminder to stay firmly grounded in your path and ignore the chatter.

4. Labradorite- 3rd Eye Chakra

This stone is inspiring to look at and catches light in a radiant flashy color. This stone is known as a bringer of necessary change almost like a catalyst. If there is something brewing in you that you are teetering on changing for your better good... this is your sign to make that change.

Love your reveal??

Leave a comment below on how this resonated with you!

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