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Crystal Reveal #11

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal:

What your crystal choice reveals:

1. Smokey Quartz- Root chakra

This stone is known to ward off negativity. "Place Smoky Quartz in the home or work environment to filter out bad moods, unspoken resentments, or disparaging remarks that drain one’s strength and enthusiasm" (Crystal Vaults, 2018). This stone is connected with your root chakra which is base of our basic needs as humans. If you have come across this stone perhaps there is something inhibiting your root chakra and therefore the core of your being. This is a sign to remove anything in your life that may create negative feelings for yourself.

2. Ammonite- Root Chakra

Ammonites are long extinct ocean animals with a snail like shell. "Its spiral shape symbolizes continual change and evolution" (Healing Crystals, 2018). If you have chosen this stone it may be symbolism for some sort of inner growth process you are working on or want to work on. There is no better time than now!!

3. Smokey Citrine- Sacral Chakra

This stone "heightens self-discipline and willpower while also attracting professional success and wealth. It has a more stabilizing and grounding energy than yellow Citrine (Energy Muse, 2018). If you have chosen this stone it may be because you are currently manifesting wealth and success into your life. Just a little reminder when manifesting, to be thankful for the things we currently do have. The universe is more giving to those who are grateful and trust in the process.

4. Selenite Desert Rose- Crown Chakra

Selenite is known to be a protective stone for cleansing and recharging oneself and even your crystals and home. This stone is known to help you to achieve your dreams and is an aid in goal achieving. If you have chosen this stone perhaps it is time to take a moment to clear your path and get your eye on the prize!

Love your reveal??

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Hope to see you there! -Stacy-


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