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Crystal Reveal #12

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal:

What your crystal choice reveals:

Grape Agate- 3rd Eye Chakra

As the color ray of influence that begins the cycle of life once again, violet is one of the most powerful rays in nature. It inspires awe and invites a feeling of mystery and magic, reminiscent of the mystery and magic of life’s rejuvenation and renewal" (Crystals Vaults, 2018).

If you are drawn to this stone it is a calling to shed old habits and things that do not serve you anymore. In letting go of the old you are breaking cycles in order to form new cycles. In this shedding and renewal you allow in the mystery of "what is next" into your life.

Labradorite- Throat Chakra

German writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, "Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen." In other words, magic is more than pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It's about finding your life purpose, which gives you a sense of meaning and makes everything even more illuminated in your universe" (The Energy Muse, 2018). In choosing this stone you are possibly seeking illumination in some aspect of your life that sets your soul on fire. Take this nudge and don't let time pass you by.

Dream Amethyst- Third eye Chakra

This power trio stone is quartz, smokey and amethyst with gorgeous chevron shaped white bands running thru. This stone is cut in the 'double terminated' shape so that energy runs out either end. "With this stone, you will find that change comes easier – it lessens resistance to change, helping us to grow both spiritually, mentally, and emotionally" (Sage Goddess, 2018). If you are drawn to this stone it is a possibly because you are finding it easier and easier to listen to your body and mind. In connecting body, mind and spirit we feel more divinely connected to ourselves and our lives. When we feel this connection, we exude it and it rubs off on those around us (similar to the energy that comes out the double terminated ends). Without really knowing it you are helping others grow more divinely connected to themselves by being divinely connected to yourself.

Optical calcite/Icelandic Spar- Crown Chakra

If you are drawn to this fascinating stone you might be interested to know that when placed on an object the stone creates "double vision" creating two similar images and breaking the light up in gorgeous illuminations. It is thought that the vikings may have used this stone to navigate their ships on cloudy days by using the light refraction's to decipher where the sun was in the sky.

This stone definitely has some appeal visually but the properties of this stone truly make it magical. This stone used often for attraction and manifestation purposes. "Like Clear Quartz, Optical Calcite can amplify intent, and can be programmed for a specific purpose. Optical Calcite can help one to see past errors and ways to correct them for benefit in the future" Healing Crystals, 2018).

If you are drawn to this stone think of it as a beacon for finding your way thru the fog or haze. Things you are working on or thinking about may not be apparent right now but if you take your time and use your tools to focus, all will come into vision.

Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed!!

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