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Crystal reveal #13

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal:

What your crystal choice reveals:

Lava stone- Root chakra

This highly centering stone brings about tranquil feelings and closer connects you to mother earth herself. They are mineral rich stones, lightweight enough you might just find one floating down a river (where this stone was found, in Oregon). If you are drawn to this stone perhaps it is because you are needing some time to reconnect with your mother source. Make sure you make some time to get yourself grounded out in nature and soak in some much needed time in the beauty of nature.

Ulexite- 3rd eye Chakra

This stone is known to "help you to make contact with the higher angelic realms and to connect with your spirit guides" (Crystal Healing, 2018). When you get a translucent piece like the one pictured above it is really quite amazing how the image below the stone becomes amplified and looks like it is on a TV screen. This stone is also known as the TV rock and if you have heard much about spirits and communicating thru TV and radio waves this stones amplifying abilities seems along the same frequency. If you have across this stone it might be a signal for you to deepen your connection with your inner guides.

Pyrite- Solar Plexus Chakra

"Pyrite is a crystal of positive energy, and is extremely helpful for melancholy and thoughts fixed on misfortune and despair. It relieves anxiety and frustration, and as a mirror to the self, reveals the causes behind these emotions and promotes a search for solutions" (Crystal Vaults, 2018). If you are drawn to this stone you may be drawn to finding ways to enlighten you positive thinking habits on those around you. This is your call to PLEASE shine your light!!

Blue lace agate- Throat Chakra

This stone brings about confidence, ability to speak up for oneself and to allow your voice to be heard. It is no accident that this stone called to you. This could be a voice amongst others or just finally putting your voice into the world in a way you come with stance, stature and a no B.S. approach. Having stance with your words might be hard at first to express but is an effective approach to building comfortable relationships and respected boundaries. Being vocal with your needs is completely acceptable and we are capable of expressing ourselves in meaningful ways.

Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed!!

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