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Crystal Reveal #14

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal:

What your crystal choice reveals:

This week is a little different than our usual crystal reading. This reading I was called to pair the crystals with The Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck and this has been more enlightening that I could have imagined. You shall see!

1. Blue Calcite-throat chakra

This stone came paired with the Kali "Endings and Beginnings" card which calls you to release the old so the new can come in. This aligns with the stone this week in the sense that "you can use blue calcite to clear negative energy from your aura or your environment, as it has the power to gently fan away toxic energies that may be “sticking” to you" (Crystals and Jewelry, 2018). If you are called to this stone perhaps it is a good season for some shedding and renewal in your near future.

2. White and green flourite- heart and crown chakra

This stone came paired with the Kuan Yin card for "Compassion." Essentially we all know that"Adulting can be hard, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities" (Energy Muse, 2018). Living a carefree and childlike life is not always possible but here is what is... cutting loose... this means no cell phone, woods, retreats, good long conversations, purposeful relationships and being present in your own life. It is easy to get swept into the grind, don't forget to love and care for yourself.

3. Smoky Quartz- Root chakra

This stone came paired with the card "Guardian" which is the soul encompassing feeling of being safe and guarded. This is perfectly aligned with your root chakra because your root chakra is essentially aligned with your need to take care of your human basic needs. One of those MAJOR basic needs is safety in all realms. Ancient cultures believed that smoky quartz would guide you into your afterlife. This means a stone you connect with in your present life may be a mini vortex or talisman your soul carries on to guide you past this life.

4. Cherry Tanzurine- Heart chakra

This stone came paired with the "Purification" card calling you to detox your body and mind (Virtue, 2004). This stone is gorgeous and pure almost clear like glass. Just looking at it brings soothing and relaxing feelings. This stone is know to have calming effects and"It helps you let go of past heartaches, especially from your childhood. It is a very joyful, soothing stone" (Magical Omaha, 2018). If you are drawn to this stone it is a calling to seek purity in your life. From the food you eat to to the people you keep around you, pay attention to what keeps you feeling you.

Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed your reading! I always love feedback on how the message resonated with you and your life.

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Virtue, D. (2004) Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Hay House Inc, Australia.

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