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Crystal Reveal #16

Choose a crystal from 1-4 and read below for your reveal:

What your crystal choice reveals:

While doing this write up this week, I found it interesting how oddly the stones aligned with each other. Two were from New York (one I found in the river) and two represented river flow. I feel like all together they present a very beautiful message. Enjoy!

1. Fossil- Root Chakra

I found this fossil myself and stones like this that hold so much history are very grounding and almost surreal. It shows us how truly short our lives are in the clock of time and relics like this remind one to feel blessed for the gift of life on this planet. Things may not always be great and easy but in front of you, but I imagine you have a place to call home and water to drink. Unfortunately, this is not a luxury to everyone on this planet. If you are drawn to this stone, it is a calling to really appreciate the little things in life and ponder on what really makes you feel full: mentally, physically and spiritually. How we treat each day now, will follow us and guide us in gratitude or... well the opposite. Each time we find ways to give thanks and be grateful; the more we will find the sun shining in the darkest of places.

2. Amazonite- Throat and Heart Chakra

This stone is beautiful bright blue/teal (like the Amazon River) and helps open up communication and heart chakras. "The medicine of the Amazonite teaches us to love the truth of our inner selves, the only way to truly know it. Meditate with Amazonite crystal and channel its infinitely wise message – sometimes you have to lose your mind to find yourself" (The Energy Muse, 2018). This message essentially is an indicator that you might have to dig deep sometimes to find your hearts message and to be able to express it all the same time. Being able to speak our truth and our heart might feel a little out there, but you are allowed to be you and express what you need to express. Get it out if it needs to get out. You will feel better with open communication and an open heart, trust me.

3. Sodalite- Throat Chakra

Yet another stone that reflects blue tones, water energy and flow (read above). "Sodalite mineral stone supplies water energy in Feng Shui. Water energy maintains balance and energy flow that effects one's career and life path in general. Place sodalite mineral stone in the northern area of a room or home. It will encourage forward momentum that facilitates progress toward desired goals" (The Crystal Healing Chest, 2018). Coming across this stone calls for you to do some clearing in your spaces. Ridding yourself of unneeded clutter and organizing your chaos creates better flow and really improves your mood. Do some smudging, home intention setting (maybe new boundaries are coming up) and clearing of material items that don't serve you. You will feel much more in flow when your home feels in flow.

4. Herkimer Diamond- Crown Chakra

This gorgeous stone literally showed up on my front porch one day. It is a mystery to me still how it got there and its baffled me since. I have always really appreciated these unique quartz crystals because they are double terminated (pointed on either end) and resemble in their own way a diamond. There are often a lot of rainbows contained in these little packages and each special. "Herkimer Diamonds emanate the brightest crystal Light, purifying one's energy field and attuning to the Divine. They carry the grace of a constant, almost subliminal connection to higher spiritual domains, even to the point of drawing angels to its pure etheric radiance"(Crystal Vaults, 2018). The are almost otherworldly and they really look and feel that way too. If you are called to this stone, perhaps it is a sign to pay attention to the little signs that may seem odd; but might be a little message from the universe. They will let you know if you are on the right path, even if the path doesn't feel right, right now.

Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed your reading! I always love feedback on how the message resonated with you and your life.

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